Not long after the Niners win the Super Bowl, Howard, 41, has lunch with a colleague in the public relations department at Bechtel, a privately held engineering & construction giant, deeply involved in nuclear power and other megaprojects. In the grim corporate cafeteria, the colleague, Richard Wirtz Emerson, allows that, in the early fifties, in Cleveland, OH, he had run a literary magazine, publishing Olson & Creeley, William Carlos Williams, Ferlinghetti…Howard wonders if “we could do something like that in-house.” In the event, not enough warm bodies can be found.

In June, Howard represents Bechtel at a conference on corporate social responsibility in Minneapolis…and then attends his 25th reunion at Canterbury School, New Milford, CT.

In August, he is laid off…

Howard and Rozanne begin dating.

Town of KEERUNG (Kyirong) May 1855
It’s New Year’s Eve & high time I did my Christmas cards. India is heaven—Nepal is dreamlike & I’m thinking of moving to New York in the spring—Can never be a Yankee fan though—

Cynthia   1/2/82


Bern-Berne-Berna. Anna-Seilerbrunnen
Your last postcard catalysed a spurt of furious activity. Don is at home right now working while I am being frivolous eating kilos of raclette and chocolate truffles. He does understand your check was not just a charitable contribution.

J. Recamier   2/7/82

HIRAM POWERS: The Greek Slave, 1847, marble.
Greetings from NYC, where a freak blizzard has dumped a foot of snow on all our plans. So Steven spent the (housebound) day making fancy meals for us all & I did ironing for our iron-hating friends. Misadventures of George—did not get the chance to meet him. Have hit the theaters: The Dining Room, A Soldier’s Story, The Dresser (all so-so) and Dreamgirls and How I Got That Story (both terrific). Tomorrow we plan to fly to Cleveland to see Steven’s parents, but all the airports are closed, so we may not make it. No definite word on Thiebaud; Hoving’s still mulling it over. Is it still raining in SF? We thought we’d drown—little did we realize we’d see Easter through the snow.

Kath.   4/6/82

Thanks for calling Dottie, she seemed concerned tho I told her nothing about Jackie, ie I know nothing anyway. Mrs. S—lives in Maine with Lucille B— Mrs. S—lived at 277 Park the same bildg as David H’s parents. Look on page 29 for typo listing Historic Trust & Urban League twice each in Bechtel Charitable Contribution Book—a throwback to my days at VHospFund. Would like to know more about what Bechtel gives & does at Hist Trust & Menninger if you could. Please put me on mailing list for Bechtel Briefs! PS: Interesting & perhaps shortsighted Bechtel gives to only 2 Mexican groups, both American run (not ie. U. of Mexico). Perhaps something for the suggestion box.

G.   5/25/82